Sunday, August 15, 2010

How I Have Successfully Changed Through Coaching

I was sitting with a client yesterday and she asked me an interesting question.  She asked; "How did going through the life coaching course help you?"  She then went on to comment that she had seen a huge change in me and wondered what had happened to bring about that change.  It was a question that had to make me think and so I thought I would share my story with you.

Over the past 2 years, my husband and I have lost 10 people close to us through death.  As we were pastoring a church at the time, 6 of those people were from the church we pastored.  We had about 60 - 70 people in our church at the time, that was 10% of our congregation.  It was very hard for our church to cope and grieve the losses.  Robin and I as leaders felt that we both needed to be strong for the church and so we put our grieving aside.  In April of 2009, my dad passed away after struggling for years with Alzheimers.  Again, feeling the need to be strong for my family, I put my grieving aside.  Suffice it to say, I broke down after stuffing so much inside of me.  I went on a medical leave from my job for four months while I tried to heal and recover.

Being off for four months gave me lots of time to think about my life and what I wanted to do with my life.  One of my passions has always been to help other people successfully change their lives.  I just didn't know how to go about it in a way that was positive, encouraging and would bring lasting change to them.  I also wanted to help young small businesses become a success in what they do and so I thought I would be very good at small business setup. 

About three years ago, the term "life coaching" came my way and my first thought was that I would be very good at that.  Just before the end of my leave, I started checking out life coaching schools and courses.  I found a course through Fowler Wainwright International which was very affordable and signed up for the course.  Well, taking that course changed my life.

One of the best things about the course was that from Day 1, we were either coaching or being coached by our classmates.  Going through the coaching process as a "client" helped me to identify my goals, the roadblocks that prevented me from reaching those goals, the biggest being my self-talk.  I was a pro at talking myself out of anything.  When you lack confidence in who you are and don't believe in yourself, then achieving your goals becomes exceedingly difficult.  I lacked confidence and so I lacked the ability to believe in myself and my ability to successfully change my life.  That is what has changed for me. 

I know that I will succeed at whatever I put my hand too.  I know that I am a great coach who can powerfully and permanently help you to change your life.  I know that whatever goal I personally set for myself will be met and exceeded.  I know that I love who I am, what I do and where I am going.  I know that "with God all things are possible" and that I can do nothing in my own strength but that He will guide me.

You too can have that assurance.  If your struggles are of a personal nature, I can help you.  If your struggles are of a buisness nature, I can help you.  You can look me up on or  email me at  Don't waste one more moment of your life struggling.  Be the best You you can be and let me help you become that person.

Make it a great day everyone.  Thanks for reading.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Embracing Change!

Have you ever been asked to change or told something is going to change in your life, in your career or in your relationships?  How did that feel?  Did you embrace the idea or did you go running out of the room screaming your head off?  Change can be difficult, but as sure as the sun is going to rise in the morning, change will come into your life.  Many people fight change as they are comfortable with where they are at.  They feel "set in their ways"; they don't want to "rock the boat"; they like things "just the way they are".  Some people even find themselves terrified of change, immobilized and completely powerless to move forward.  I know that in my life, I must determine to accept change as it comes my way, because I too like to "stay in my comfort zone". 

I want to challenge you with this thought:  staying in your comfort zone can be unhealthy for you, physically, mentally and spiritually.  For example, as a child when you were growing up, if you didn't buy new shoes and clothes as you grew, you would be uncomfortable.  Your feet would hurt, your clothes would be too small.  You would feel uncomfortable going outside wouldn't you?  I know that I would.

If you struggle with accepting change and moving forward, here are some tips that I am confident will help you.

1)  Ask for clarification as to what the change will mean to you personally.  How will it affect you?  Clearly have the parameters of change defined for you.

2)  Turn to someone you trust to talk about the change and how you feel about it.  Express yourself honestly and ask them for feedback on your feelings about the change that is coming.  Ask them to help you walk through the change in your minds eye to get a clear picture.

3)  Visualize yourself embracing the change with anticipation and excitement.  Take it on as a challenge to be conquered in victory.  See yourself in your new situation, enjoying it.

4)  Get a coach to help you set some goals in regards to the change that is coming.  If it is personal, professional, financial, emotional, health and wellness related, or relationship change, a coach can help you walk through the change, support you and help you see the bright future that is ahead of you.

By embracing change, you embrace your life and all the tremendous, powerfully good things that come with it.

My name is Cathy Toupin and I am a Certified Professional Coach.  If you would like to chat about this or you would like my help in coaching you:  please contact me at

Many blessings to you.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Huge Heart

When I was a little girl, I had an aunt whom I adored. Actually she was my great-aunt, and I usually got to see her every year or so. Her name was Elsie and she loved me and accepted me unconditionally. I remember that if she ever had to correct me, she always did it gently and with a twinkle in her eye. I actually remember feeling warm in her presence like I was wrapped in a thick down quilt and only she could really see me.

For a living, my great-aunt took in newborns who needed foster care. Over the years of her life, she fostered literally hundreds of small babies. I remember feeling jealous of them because I wanted to live with her. I knew that with her, I would always be secure. When I laughed, she laughed; when I cried, she held me and sometimes even cried with me. I always felt that I was her special great-niece and that she loved me the most.  I didn't realize that she made everyone feel that way until I was much older.

Looking back, I now understand that my great-aunt was successful at making me feel loved because she had a clear vision of who she was and what she wanted in life.  When you understand clearly what your vision is of yourself and what your potential is as a person, that impacts everything you do.  It also impacts everyone around you.  My great-aunt impacted everyone around her as she lived her vision.  Your vision may be personal or business, but if it doesn't inspire and challenge those around you, then maybe my great-aunt's lession is for you:  Don't just have a vision, be a visionary!